Friday, January 23, 2015

Exclusive Titles - Fucking over your competitor is a selling point

No one cares about exclusive titles. Console companies make huge announcements like "we are getting a new exclusive title!" or "so and so has became a Playstation exclusive!" during conventions while the crowds cheer. Why? Why the fuck does this matter? Why are you happy that its exclusive? Because your shitty friends who bought Xbone instead of your "totally superior" Playstation 4 can't play it? So you can rub it in their faces and laugh as they watch on the side lines in envy? We shouldn't give a fuck if its exclusive or not. Its the consoles that are getting anything out of this. By making it an exclusive you are forced to buy their console to play that game. Why are they making an announcement on something becoming exclusive? And fuck the people who say they should exist because they bought a specific console. Just because you bought a Playstation, a Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and a Playstation 4, doesn't mean you never want to play the games on Xbox. Sure you get something like Uncharted but what if you want to play Halo? You're fucked.

Exclusive titles shouldn't exist. Its limiting the games you can play and more people should be annoyed by this instead of just letting it slide as more and more games become exclusive titles. That isn't all though. These companies have started to get exclusive content for specific versions. Only certain consoles get new maps, new updates, etc. Xbox players will quickly appear to mention that Playstation sucks and they deserve it for buying a shitty console. Can we end this console war? Or this whole PC is superior to everything shit. We're all gamers why does it matter one person chose Playstation or Xbox or Wii or PC or handheld or whatever else they are trying to play. Companies are trying really hard to ignite a war amongst gamers so they will keep buying their console. It enforces the idea that they made the right choice in their console and that you won't suddenly jump ship to the new Playstation6 or Xdogs or whatever new console is out. It promotes the whole "Got mine, Fuck you" mentality. While we're busy fucking each other over, these companies are fucking us over by not giving the games and content we want to play.

Then there is the whole PC shit. I play PC, I don't play much consoles. There has been this sudden rise in the whole PC superiority thing going on. PC gamers feel superior to console gamers because apparently they have better graphics and better FPS. You also get modding and other stuff while playing on the PC. Can you imagine Skyrim without mods? Well to be honest, yes because I played the game without mods. I don't care about mods. So this doesn't affect me at all. I have a controller that I use to play a lot of games so mouse/keyboard doesn't feel superior or affect me in any way. Yet there are people who flaunt this to the console gamers creating an even bigger divide.

"Fucking console games ruining our PC games."

Hear that one often? Apparently a lot of gamers believe that AAA games made with lower graphics or a game gets delayed is because of console versions. That they have to downgrade graphics to fit onto consoles and that causes major delays in so people get their panties all up in a bunch. PC gamers also like to remind console gamers how many more PC exclusive titles they have and then whine about how a console exclusive isn't coming to PC because "developers are afraid of pirates when there are console pirates too." This whole console war isn't helping anyone. All it is doing is giving some sick satisfaction in fucking someone else over because they like someone else from you. Because they're different from you, because they're inferior to you. You want to believe you made the right choice by making all other alternatives look like shit. In the end what it all means is, gamers are fucking assholes. All of them. Every one of you assholes. Stop it. Its pathetic.

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