Some feminists were complaining about how video games are male dominated. They claim that the reason for it is because games are made to cater to male audiences. Which is true I wouldn't argue against that. But their suggestions for it is completely retarded. They want a character where it uses "femininity" instead of "masculinity" to get things done. How? To paraphrase:
Instead of a woman with a penis, she could use her charm to get things done. Without fighting since aggression is a masculine trait.
What? What kind of shit is that? Would girl gamers want to play this fucking shit? No? Yes? I don't fucking know. What I know is I know a lot of girl gamers and I'm fucking sure as hell they wouldn't want to play that shit. Why do people have to use the label "girl gamers." Are they any different? Misogynistic male gamers would like to make you believe they are. I haven't always been a gamer. From what statistics show though that 54% of gamers are female. What games I'm not sure but that probably doesn't seem too off to me. I even heard of Starcraft championships for girls in Korea. I found that a little odd because if you're good enough, whats stopping you from stomping the boys as a girl? Because you lack a penis and your aggression isn't your main trait so its a huge handicap? Fuck that. Its because some men are scared of being emasculated by losing to a woman. Because of that they will purposely not acknowledge girl gamers.
Girl gamers are not rare at all. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of male friends, I got my first male friend at like grade 4. We all played a bit of video games because video games were the new thing. But mostly we just did stupid shit like run around in the backyard while our friend's older sisters spray us with the hose. Which is really fucked up now I think about it. But honestly, I don't get how a lot of people go "there are no girls that play this game." Then act all surprised when a girl plays and stalk them. "Oh wow a girl plays a video game she must be ugly or a fat Asian!" Of course a girl who plays video games must be ugly or fat or Asian. *rollseyes* I don't get the Asian thing though. One thing I really notice is the hostility between girl gamers. Playing around in different games I noticed there are two types of girl gamers. I don't like to generalize but this is what a girl gamer from my guild on WoW told me.
"I don't like to play with girls because they suck at games. They(the other group) think they can get away with anything because they are a girl. Me and my sister plays all the time and we never do any of the shit they do"
When I first heard that I shrugged and moved on. It was much later that I noticed a lot of other girl gamers shared her view. Granted I stuck more with their group since my guilds were usually on the more hardcore side. One particular event stuck with me. One experience I had was playing WoW and there was a "girl" in the group who went around rolling need on everything and randomly pulling. I don't like to call out people for being a retard but she was being a retard. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and tried to teach her since I was on an alt and it might be one of her first few time partying. Then I get a "Lol, I'm a girl I don't know how to play." Before anyone could say anything, the main tank calls out "I'm a fucking girl too and I know how to play. Its people like you that makes guys think we can't play games." And proceeds to kick her. It was a great moment. Some people say girls don't like to play video games because of the way they are treated. Its very hostile against women online. I never really cared who I play with. It doesn't matter if its a girl or a guy, if they are fun to play with and they don't piss you off, then it sounds like you have a good person to friendlist. My friends tell me I'm very equal at treating anyone regardless of gender in real life. I always ask them, "should men and women be treated any differently?" Really ask this question, should men and women be treated differently? This is the root of the problem of men and women in video games. Women are viewed as inferior a lot of the time. When a man is being made fun of he gets called a woman. When a woman is being praised she is compared to a man.
I hear claims that girls don't play video games because when they were growing up they were told video games were for guys and they should play with dolls and shit. I'm going what the fuck are you talking about? They also say the same about women in engineering or other programs of study. I don't know anything about that but I agree that women aren't properly portrayed in video games. They are either the chicks with dicks (femme fatales) or the damsel in distress. Who does feminists think is the perfect female character in video games? Bayonetta. I am not making this shit up. They think she is the perfect woman. She is empowering, she makes men uncomfortable, and she kicks ass while being sexy. To quote.
To prohibit a character like Bayonetta, and rush to cover her up in disapproval, is a rejection of her particular brand of femininity. Why do that? Because she makes men uncomfortable? If men feel uncomfortable with Bayonetta, maybe that means she succeeds.
As a woman, I haven't often been satisfied by female character options that effectively boil down to "the same thing as a man, just with breasts and a ponytail." Thanks to its innovative approach to the idea of female power, Bayonetta is the first action game heroine that's made me directly conscious of how cool it is to be a girl.
Yeah, she is about as cool as Dante from Devil May Cry. The creator of both those characters are the one and same guy. And by cool I mean over the top embarrassing. I might find them "cool" if I was maybe 14. I played the beginning of Bayonetta. While its a fun action game with nice game play the fucking characters and over the top retardation makes me wanna smash my head into the table. The first scene was Bayonetta going around shooting shit while some guy tosses her guns with fly me to the moon playing in the background. The fucking shit drags on for like 10 hours. By the time you're finally done you don't feel like playing anymore.
Watch at your own discretion.
She's not much different than Dante. Is Dante a good portrayal of men? Fuck no. There are plenty of women in video games, why would you pick the most over the top one? Its not like theres none of them. Off the top of my head I can think of a bunch. April Ryan from The Longest Journey, Faith from Mirror's Edge, Alice from American Mcgee's Alice, the main girls from Persona 4 (OH GOD). These are games where its only the main character. There are plenty of great secondary characters too which I'm too lazy to think of. Anything is better than a character that uses her hair as her clothes and as you build up more and more combos she gets more and more revealing until shes fighting in the nude. Again, I'm not making any of this shit up. You can play for yourself or even youtube it. Women in video games are highly sexualized. Sure men are sexualized too but there are so many different types of men. Women are all big breasts skinny waist hourglass body. Thats it. There are barely any variation. Its stupid. I have however been told that women like the women in video games. "I don't want to play an ugly character," is the most common response, "women like it as much as men." I don't really know but feminists seem to be saying the opposite.
While sex appeal is one thing, another thing is the roles they are usually fit into. I played a lot of JRPGs, A LOT. They are culturally different so I will not go into details. But long story short they are very sexualized and are very subservient. I do not wish to go into another discussion of subservient Asian women. I had enough of that shit I don't want to talk about it again. Most games, women are the damsel in distress. This is because the main character is usually male given its target audience. So obviously you have to rescue the women with your manliness. In fantasy games, women are usually spell casters or supportive spell casters because they are fragile(I don't fucking know) but apparently the femme fatales are exempt. Women are usually support roles in those games. I like how blatant some of the sexism is for example in Xenogears, the main female character (high ranking officer) was forced to stay home because she's a woman. At first she's pissed but she then said this quote to another female character, "Men like someone to watch the home when they are fighting. They can't fight if they don't have the peace of mind that they will have somewhere to return to." You can't imagine the amount of blood I puked up. They don't even try to hide it.
However the opposite is true, in games like Witcher 2, sexism is all over the place. But it fits the story and world of the game. Its a sexist, racist, dark, grim world. Everyone is flawed, everyone is an asshole, and everyone would stab you in the back given half the chance. It fits but in a game like Xenogears it doesn't. Look at games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Bioware games where theres "romance!" Look at how some of the characters are developed. Holy fuck are the women sexualized. Look at Miranda from Mass Effect 2. She has ass-pants for fucks sake. There are games that overly girlify things like Final Fantasy X-2. They turned the original characters from FFX into stupid bimbos. For what? Sex appeal. I couldn't finish that game ever. Most of the time the sexism begins before you even play the game. It is the games that are made for women. Yes it exists. They're games like Cooking Mama, Bratz, The Little Mermaid and My Little Pony. They have giant signs and stickers that go, "Games 4 girls." Why? Do women need to be singled out and then pigeon holed into buying shitty games? The fuck. Some people have no idea how to market their shit.
This blog post brings up a good point. There is a reason why sex is so taboo in western culture while violence is completely fine, as long as its a man getting hurt. It is because people view women as weaker than men, which isn't true. Same reason I get a lot of shit because I treat women the same way I would treat a man, and my male friends squirm to it. Why? Because they think women can't hear some of the shit men talk about because they're fragile. Fuck you. I grew up with a bunch of female friends who talk more openly about this shit than you. Plus chivalry is stupid, it was fine back in the middle ages but its the modern age people, women are equals theres no need for this condescending behavior. I don't want this to become another argument on feminism so I'm stopping here.
Every once in awhile you near something nice. Recently there was a step forward. Although small but a small step makes a big difference. For the first time you are able to create female avatars in NHL games. It might be small but small steps add up. Then you get bullshit that takes a step backwards. People are like "its hidden for a reason." Being hidden doesn't change the fact that its offensive. If they see it they have the right to get pissed. Thats like stealing something and then getting caught and go "Oh I was hiding it from you. If you didn't see me stealing it you wouldn't get pissed. Therefor you shouldn't get pissed when you caught me stealing so I will be going now." Way to go.
Women can play the same games men can play. Women can do better in the same games men can play. But fuck the majority of the men are too insecure to acknowledge that. I got my ass kicked by girls in games before. Do I feel bad? No. Does she being a girl have any sort of handicap? No. Stop making a big deal out of this. The games that overly sexualize women are usually the games that sexualize the men as well. The men are usually big strong silent types doing all sorts of bad-assery. When a male character is brought out thats less masculine he's automatically hated by everyone. Waaahhh he's not manly enough, he's a faggot, give us back Commander Kickass! Yet everyone loves it when a strong female character turns into a bimbo and starts giving fanservice, see FFX-2. Unfortunately thats the way things will go. Sex sells. Game companies take advantage of that and sell sell sell. Its not likely going to change but every so often you'll get a nice game where the women aren't sexualized. Just don't hold your breath waiting, it might be awhile.
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