Friday, August 10, 2012

Manners - What constitutes good or bad manners?

There has been a lot of debate over good and bad manners and no one can really figure out which is acceptable and which is not. The obvious ones like "gg noob" after scoring one kill is bad manners. So after much research I have the results.

The first is the most obvious. Saying GG before a game is over. What exactly is it. GG pretty much means good game. Most games start off with a GLHF as in good luck have fun then end with a GG. There are some variations like GGWP and BG which are good game well played and bad game with the latter being bad manners.

Saying GG after you score a kill or suffer a death is considered bad manners. Its the same as going "just give up you lose or my team is full of retards just push and end it we're gonna lose."

The winner cannot say GG before the loser at any time of the game or it is considered bad manners. It doesn't matter if you are pushing into his base and you scouted that he has no expansions. You just don't do that.

Alternatively the loser cannot leave the game without saying GG or it is considered rage quitting and bad manners. The winner will then be allowed to follow up with a GG.

If you are losing, concede honorably. This means if your shit is getting destroyed don't run an SCV away and build supply depots like a dipshit.

As you can see, saying GG is pretty complex! Its the most debated one because some people go apeshit when someone calls out GG while others go whats the big deal. However there are more little things such as talking shit to the enemy team.

If you're having a team fight keep it amongst the team. Once your team chat starts flowing into all chat then it is considered bad manners towards the other team. No one wants to hear your shit.

Calling people out on their mistake if you're not going to help or teach them is bad manners as well.

A person can call themselves a noob, but someone cannot call another person a noob.

Talking using caplocks is never appropriate. It makes you sound like a raging baby so don't do that.

Camping in FPS although sometimes acceptable can be considered bad manners. However spawn camping is always considered bad manners.

Having to pause the game because you forgot to take a shit before starting the round or you have to take your dog out to shit is bad manners. No one wants to wait for the one person on the team or in the game because they didn't take a shit. This also includes quitting because you didn't have enough time to finish the game.

This is all I can think of at this time. Pretty much one basic rule to remember, don't be an asshole. Follow that and you'll be fine

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mechwarrior - It's getting worse by the second

It is SOLARIS time! It's also time to pony up and get reamed.

Remember my previous post about Mechwarrior Online?

Serious case of 'I told you so' incoming.

Prices are out of control and an assault mech can cost up to 18 USD. People on the forums have brought it up, but most f2p veterans seem to think its okay, because they migrated from World of Tanks, where an equivalent purchase over there costs them $40-50.

Are they fucking crazy??? I may not be well versed in F2P, but that is such a ripoff. Hearing that, I would NEVER touch WoT. Not even consider trying it. If that's the same policy they want to take with MWO, they're going to ruin it for me. It already has some issues with balance and design decisions (not hardcore enough), but slapping such an offensive price tag on items, optional or not, just reinforces the notion that they're not dedicated to creating a successor title for the veteran MW players, but instead creating a WoT2 with a different franchise setting.

The sad thing is, everyone I talk to, claims WoT's model basically prints money, and doesn't see how it'll be any different for MWO. They may be right, but since I've seen the cash shop, I've lost interest in playing. Funnily enough, I spent a day trying 50 different ways to reinstall Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries (1996 title), and have been playing it exclusively for the past week.

Sadly, I just don't have a lot of love for a Mechwarrior battle-arena game. It's not Mechwarrior, it doesn't feel like a meaningful part of the universe, it's mindless as hell, there are too many design simplifications for newer players, requires a massive grind to unlock components (that you'd normally be able to buy within ingame cash in every other game), and now there's a horrible cash shop scheme.

Sigh. I wanted to like it, and I still do, but it needs a massive rework that I doubt we're gonna see.

I also saw gameplay footage of Mechwarrior Tactics, but it's like an online version of the tabletop game, but with card-collecting. Cards representing the tabletop units and equipment and so on. And guess what, they're also purchased with cash shop money, but you buy 'booster packs' and get random stuff. Great. -_- I don't like card games, and I didn't buy into the scams that they were when I was a kid. I'm not going to start now.

There's also another game I recently heard of, called Solaris Assault Tech, which is a deathmatch arena Mechwarrior game. Dear God, it sounds like it's gonna suck even more. What's with all the MW titles lately, and why are they all awful? Can someone just make a new SINGLEPLAYER campaign? Nobody seems to know how to do multiplayer.

I look back, and I think my optimism cost me. Never again. Pessimist Cent is prophetic Cent.

 Spoke with the lead designer for MWO. Unfortunately, he claims that despite the success of the founder's package program (paying 30/60/120 dollars for initial premium packs) there still would not have been enough revenue to produce Mechwarrior 3015, the original proposed title that was not F2P. Apparently, MW3015 would have costed about $20 million, as it was intended as a XBOX/PC game, and console rights aren't cheap.

I'm not too sad though, because even if they did make it, it was going to suck. A mechwarrior game on console will inevitably lead to a dumbed down simulator. That explains why the controls are so simplified in MWO too. It would have been a glorified Mechassault, and yet another travesty in the series that would stagnate the franchise for another decade.